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training to become a spiritual director

​If you are drawn to relational, one-on-one connection with people, this quiet, well-paced ministry is often something of a homecoming. While we occasionally meet women and men in their twenties and thirties who have the experience and temperament for this ministry, training in spiritual direction is often best suited for those at mid-life and beyond. We require all applicants to meet regularly with a spiritual director at least 12 months prior to starting the training in order to experience first-hand the gifts of this ministry.

We offer a two-year training, with an optional third year of supervision. Year One is a solid introduction to spiritual direction and a year of discernment. Should you continue in Year Two, the focus is on defined skills necessary to offer valuable spiritual direction. Year Three is an optional opportunity to receive monthly peer supervision led by a trained supervisor. 

Our training in spiritual direction is ecumenical and from a Christian perspective. We honor and worship the Triune God; God as Creator of all, Jesus as God revealed in the flesh, and the Holy Spirit as the gift of God who transforms our lives and empowers us to participate in God’s redemptive work in the world. Scripture is the sacred text informing how we live out our faith. We feel most at home in the Contemplative Christian Tradition where spiritual direction has its roots.   

"The curriculum developed by the Boorams for the School of Spiritual Direction is both practical and experiential. The cohorts and assignments prepared me in all the ways I needed, so that I could begin my own practice.  Additionally, the program fostered an increasing awareness and growth in self-knowledge, which is essential for a spiritual director and the faith journey."  


Karen—Spiritual Director,

Ignatian Exercises Companion

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