This morning I sat with the question, “What reality am I struggling to accept?” As I let the question find its way into my heart and mind, the list grew and grew. It was overwhelming, yet good to simply confess the losses, fears, and disappointments I’m experiencing.
We are in our third full week of Covid-19 lockdown. For the first few weeks, many of us felt energy and zeal to do our part. But now the fatigue, restlessness, and depletion has set in. Do these reveal that we are weak or immature? Or do they uncomfortably remind us that we are, after all, simply human?
Join us Thursday night at 9:00 pm (EDT) for a 20-minute Virtual Prayer Vigil and find nourishment by praying with others who are equally depleted and filled with concern. We hope that our gathering will position you to receive the care and compassion God has for you as together we honestly acknowledge our growing fatigue and frustrations.
You can join the vigil by clicking this link: https://zoom.us/j/779283159